A Systematic Literature Review of Decompilation
This page contains a systematic literature review of binary decompilation. For the introduction of SLR, check here.
The technique of decompilation still has significant limitations, as existing research on [lifter sok] and [fidelity issue] demonstrates. This indicates that there is still a lot of room for improvement in decompilers.
Research Question
Search Strategy
Keywords: Decompilation OR Decompiler OR Decompile
Search Process
Paper Repositories: Important paper repositories covered in findpapers: IEEE Xplore, ACM, Scopus, arXiv. Other important conference: Usenix, NDSS, DBLP.
- Follow the usage of the tool findpapers
- Apply for access keys for IEEE and scorpus.
- using this command: (findpapers 0.6.7, 2024-02-03, the generated json file can be downloaded here.)
findpapers search ./search.json --token-ieee "$IEEE_TOKEN" --token-scopus "$SCOPUS_TOKEN" -q "[decompile] OR [decompiling] OR [decompiler] OR [decompilation]"
Study Selection Criteria
- Language: English